About Us
The Original Bumper Bully is the Best, Widest, Toughest - Bumper Protector on the Market
We initally developed and designed the Bumper Bully for our personal use. Our friends and family loved the look and soon enough everyone wanted one. Being car enthusiasts, we love our cars and want them to look new for years to come. The biggest challenge was protecting the bumpers from parking rash. We got tired of having our cars damaged every time we parked in the City, either in the parking garage or on the street. There is nothing worse than returning to your parked car, only to find your car wedged between two junk piles. So, like any car enthusiasts we tried everything under the sun to protect our car bumpers. We hung card board, carpet, towels and shower mats from the trunk....anything that would protect the rear bumper. None of these items worked effectively. They had a tendency to flap in the wind, and got drenched when it rained.
As car enthusiasts...
...we have always had a fondness for high end cars, especially sports cars. As such, when designing our bumper protector we wanted to complement the sculpted lines of europes finest cars. To this end, we designed a wide upper portion for maximum protection and a tapered lower section that gently curves around the exhaust pipes. In addition, saftey reflectors at both lateral ends further enhances the look, while adding an important functional component - better visibility when parking on a dark street or in event of emergency.
The importance of safety refectors really hit home on a trip to Frankfurt Germany. While driving on the Auto Bahn the rear tire suddenly went flat. I was able to safely gain control and pull over. It was night time and cars were speeding by at double digit speeds. Reflective tape on the bumper probably saved my life, alerting other drivers of my presence. In Europe almost every car has safety reflectors on the bumpers or inside the trunk. As a result the new product integrates high intensity reflectors into the design.
The Bumper Bully is a culmination of form and function. One part artistic expression and the other part safety product. We hope you will find the Bumper Bully equally impressive.