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  • Do I Really Need A Rear Bumper Protector ?

    It seems that everywhere you look people are adorning their vehicles with rear bumper protectors and car bumper guards. Clearly, rear bumper protection is an important concern for anyone who parks on the street. Lets face it more than half of all rear bumper damage occurs when you park your car. Without rear bumper protection your car bumper will be scarred when another vehicle bumps your car during parking. Sharp license plate screws and protruding license plate frames are to blame for most parking related rear bumper damage. Car enthusiasts who use rear bumper protectors have realized the benefits of rear bumper protection. The goal is to minimize parking related car bumper damage, a common occurrence when street parking. Rubber bumper guardsprovide a flexible barrier from minor parking bumps. Regardless of whether you like bumper guards or not, rear bumper protectors are an important accessory if you park on the street.